Center for Christian Urban Educators

C-CUE Teacher Scholarship
Each year the C-CUE Teacher Education Fund provides a scholarship of up to $1000 to a teacher or group of teachers currently teaching in a Bright Promise Fund School. An individual teacher may apply as well as a pair or small group of teachers all planning to attend the same professional learning activity. The scholarship is intended to provide support for teachers to choose and attend a program which would improve their depth of knowledge of the subject(s) taught, enhance their teaching skills and effectiveness or directly contribute to the educational program of their school.
The application process requires completion of an application form and a letter of support from the school principal or the applicant's direct supervisor.
The funds can be used to attend courses, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. Teachers may apply for a program that occurs during the summer or during the school year. If the program occurs during the school year, the request may also include the cost of a substitute teacher.
Applications are due the first of December and a decision is announced by mid January.