Center for Christian Urban Educators

Urban Christian schools - making a difference and narrowing the achievement gap one student at a time.

There is no neutral ground - all schools are based on a philosophy of life that promotes particular values.

“Opportunities for education should be within the reach of every individual, not for the lucky few.” ― Elbert Hubbard

Urban Christian schools - making a difference and narrowing the achievement gap one student at a time.
Support for Christian Urban Educators
Teaching in an urban school is not for the faint-hearted. While teachers in urban schools can take advantage of the richness and diversity of the urban environment, the urban setting also brings unique challenges to teaching.
Teaching is a demanding task in any setting and the realities of urban life for many students adds to the diversity and complexity urban teachers face each day in their classrooms.
Whether planning to be a teacher in an urban setting or teaching in an urban Christian or public school, the Center for Christian Urban Educators (C-CUE) seeks to encourage, equip, and empower Christian educators as they impact the lives of the children entrusted to their educational care.
Harriet Potoka, founder and former principal of Daystar School. serves as the director of the Center.
Bright Promise Fund
The Bright Promise Fund for Urban Christian Education is a nonprofit charitable organization that supports Christian schools located in Chicago area by generating new sources of revenue so more families may experience and benefit from urban Christian education.
Dave Larsen, Ph.D. who serves as the director of the Fund, is committed to building a donor base for urban Christian education from within the Chicago business, corporate, church and foundation communities.
Markers of C-CUE Network Schools